Who will disciple the scattered sheep?

Two billion people in the world today still know nothing about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Did you know that in this part of the world, there’s just 1 Christian missionary for every 400,000 people?

Streams International Foundation supports the work of Streams of Living Water in Africa and the Middle East where they mobilize, train and equip indigenous missionaries who then establish new churches in unreached areas.


Our history

Founded in 1984 in the refugee camps of Sudan, Streams of Living Water is a

Cairo-based, Egyptian-led parachurch organization.

From here the vision was born, to disciple, mentor, and mobilize Christians in this region and equip them to be church planters in their own countries.

Alistair Begg discusses supporting Streams of Living Water.

  • Recruit

    Streams of Living Water challenges Middle Eastern & African Christians to embrace God's global mission through powerful mobilization events & prayer cells.

  • Train

    ​ Streams of Living Water trains workers in many hubs within the Middle East & Africa. Our intense biblical training incorporates both practical ministry experience & vocational training.

  • Send

    Streams of Living Water sends nationals in teams of two or more to reach unreached & unengaged people groups within their own country or region.


We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.

John 9:4 (ESV)