History of Streams of Living Water

From refugee camps and Bible fairs to Training schools in eight countries and growing…

Streams of Living Water (initially called Living Water Ministry) began in 1984 in Sudan working mainly through evangelistic campaigns in refugee camps for the displaced people who fled from the war zone in the south and west of Sudan.

Early Years

Following this work, Streams opened The Good Shepherd Clinics in both the north and the south of Sudan from April 2000 to 2011.

In 2004 Streams began the “Streams in the Desert” indigenous movement (Arabs to Arabs) to educate and motivate the Arab Christians to go out to reach their unreached “cousins” for His glory. This led to the annual Streams Conferences.

In September 2008, the first Tyrannus Missionary School opened. This was the first missionary school of its kind in Sudan. The purpose was to train and send out Sudanese to the forgotten areas in Sudan and beyond to North Africa and the Middle East.

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Middle Years

In July 2011, the south gained independence from the north and became South Sudan.

In 2012, a mobilization office was established in Cairo, Egypt. The main focus of this office was to mobilize and train Egyptians, Sudanese, North African and Middle Eastern young people to work as church planters among the unreached people groups.

When Streams was forced to leave northern Sudan due to security issues, the Streams board decided to merge the Streams Ministry and the Living Water Ministries into one ministry and the name was changed to Streams of Living Water (SLW) in 2013. Streams also began the work of establishing the Tyrannus Missionary School in Egypt, with plans to begin the southern branch of Tyrannus in South Sudan.


Up to the Present

In January of 2019 a second Tyrannus Missionary School opened in Juba, South Sudan and a third and fourth school opened in Chad and Bahrain that fall. In 2020 a 2nd floor was completed on the school in Juba, South Sudan, to accommodate students from Sudan (moving them from the school in Cairo) as well as South Sudan. In 2021, Streams also opened a school in Senegal to train men from Mauritania (where it is illegal to be a Christian), plus schools began via Zoom in Morocco and Algeria. In the fall of 2021 a three month school was held in Juba, South Sudan for young women, a school in the Middle East was held to train underground church leaders from Libya, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunesia, Egypt, Oman and Kuwait and a school was begun in Turkey to train refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran and Sudan.

2021 also saw the reintroduction of Basic Schools, first held in Sudan in the early years. These schools are held in the remote regions of South Sudan. The Impact School in Egypt also expanded to two schools plus a Vision School was added for interested teenagers.

What is Next?

Streams hopes to start schools in Mali, Niger, Camaroon and any other country in Africa or the Middle East where doors are opened!

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. 2 Corinthians 2:14-16a