After a year of training, our Tyrannus Missionary School graduates are sent onto the field in their own country or region. Sent in teams of two, they are supervised and mentored for three years as they share the Gospel and establish new churches among unreached people groups.

What began as an evangelistic church planting work between Egypt and Sudan has blossomed into a strategic sending operation throughout the Middle East, North Africa and beyond.  In over thirty-five years of field experience, Streams has seen God do tremendous things in establishing new churches in some of the hardest regions of the globe.


Reaching North Africa & Middle East

Sending indigenous workers to unreached people groups within their own countries.


Reaching the Arab World

Streams has awakened the sleeping giant of the Egyptian church to send them out to Arab speaking people groups, including many refugees around the world.

Streams of Living Water Video

The need for Christian workers in the North Africa/Middle East region is great. Streams has an effective strategy to reach the unreached in these areas. Please click on the picture to learn more.