Streams of Living Water recruits believers throughout North Africa and the Middle East and equips them to be church planters in their own countries among unreached people groups.

  • Mobilization Conferences

    Each year 500-700 young and mature believers gather to encourage one another, learn together and be inspired. Approximately 10% of those attending go on to be trained as a cross-cultural missionaries.

  • Prayer Conferences

    Prayer is what fuels the ministry of Streams. Each spring a Prayer Conference is held to uphold the work and ministry of Streams and dream of new fields of expansion. Out of these conferences, 23 prayer networks in 19 cities have emerged. Believers gather to pray and fast one day each week.

  • Indigenous Schools

    The Tyrannus Missionary Schools and Basic Schools are held in numerous countries throughout North Africa and the Middle East. The students for these schools are identified through the recommendation of local pastors. They are interviewed, and through the discernment of the Lord, chosen for the various schools.